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![]() This was an excellent example of what we call 'Historical Lensing', the process of intentionally and proactively reading History from a particular and unique angle.
The way that Standage explores the development of the Western World is elegant and fascinating. His accounting is detailed and well-researched and eloquent enough to open plenty of minds to the way in which seemingly little things often have some of the largest impacts. READ MORE. When I was first introduced to it, conceptually, I was deeply skeptical. It seemed like a wannabe Hamilton at best, and a garish, misinterpretation of history at worst (and most plausible). It seemed like a tragedy waiting to happen.
But I quickly warmed up to it. The songs are hella catchy. It does the opposite of Hamilton, rather than attempting to cover a factually true-to-life History in its full context with a modern lens to view it under, Six takes snippets of well-understood, deeply personal modern stories, and slips them backward in time to re-frame an audience's interpretation of the dramatics of History. READ MORE. |
The Fall GUYThe Fall Guy is an Epic Rom-Action Comedy that utterly solidifies the genre into a staple of the cinematic ecological system. It is an ode to the art of film-making, a call-to-action on the front of respecting the unsung heroes of movie-making that go unappreciated at the Oscars, and a delightful romp through the genres of murder mystery, love story, sports-redemption saga, and meta-media philosophical dialogue.
Literally everything about this movie is spectacular.
It is the first movie in.... years that has prompted me to buy a physical copy. The plotting and editing of the final Theatrical Cut is just SO tight and beautifully structured. It's seriously amazing, like Chekov's Nesting Doll of Knives at a Gun Fight level setups and gloriously satisfying follow-throughs. Every shot, every prop, every line of dialogue is a reference, a setup for a later twist, or an astute moment of character/relationship building, and most of them are more than one of those at once! The acting is FABULOUS. It's basically a Ryan Gosling Epicness Vehicle, with some shiny stunts and plot on the side. His performance here is truly spectacular, deeply believable, and intimately moving as the blithe introspection of self-deprecating humor Colt Seavers embodies is forced into a more genuine reflectivity and honesty. Gosling nails it, every single second. READ MORE. |
![]() WOW.
I knew it was going to be amazing, because every book in this series has been utterly astounding, and I adore Naomi Novik but even with that high bar of expectation I was impressed. It perfectly continues the attack on the concept of an innately or naturally 'fair' society, aggressively transposing it's arguments of a rigged system from Education to the wider concept of governing Institutions as a whole. The whole notion of governance as as system existing in any state of beneficence at all is eloquently and poignantly ripped to shreds. READ MORE. ![]() BEHAVE: the Biology of Humans at Our Best & Worst - Robert M Sapolsky Every so often a book comes along that genuinely makes a viable case for a complete paradigm shift. This is certainly one of them!
Reading this is a massive undertaking, being that it's nearly 800 pages of intensely detailed scientific rigor, but the result is entirely worth the effort! I will say that some parts of it, particularly a few of the early chapters, are a slog for anyone who is not familiar and keening interested in the finer points niche sciences. Sapolsky's writing is exceptionally clear and his points in these early chapters are well laid out, but, even so, the material is simply dense. It's still, absolutely AMAZING, however, and I highly recommend reading it all the way through, even if you may wind up skipping a chapter or two that feels too intense. READ MORE HERE. |
[ sneak-peek ] In addition to being an active-research grad-student and a Supervisor working 40+ hours a week, and on top of reading and writing truly absurd amounts of Fanfiction, I also take freelance video-editing gigs, and some of them are things I've decided that I can start showcasing here.
Over the last 4 weeks or so, in all the abundant snippets of free time I clearly have, I've been editing the project you can seen in the pic! This one is a labor of love for one of my very dear friends, who got married this past August. All in all, this one's taken me about ~35 hours, maybe 40, to get right, and I've got about 5hrs or so of timing tweaks left to finalize before I'm ready to send it to my friend (after which, I'll post it here!). .... Read More. |
![]() Ahsoka, age 23 and fully established as the Rebel info coordinator known as ‘Fulcrum’, finds something odd while scouting for a new planet with potential to host a Rebel base. She doesn’t exactly mean to touch it, but a tug in the Force and a leap of Faith towards the call of her own instincts quickly have her stepping into an unknown space.
Where she ends up is a place both well-known and entirely foreign; a place from her past, but not quite as she knew it. How long she might be staying within this limbo is an unanswerable question, as is what she and those around should do about any of it. Together, they meet a swath of long-dead ghosts and yet-unborn phantoms as they navigate their upended relationships, and what changes occur inside them because of these encounters may just be enough to change everything… New Chapters Post Every Other Week-ish, hopefully on Thursdays, with Early Access on Patreon! Now also with it's own side-ish story, Dal Segno, Al Fine (Make it Brighter), posting sporadically on Ao3 and HERE every 2 weeks... |
Due to the rigors of my involvement in various Special Projects, I'll be city- and even country-hoping on rather short notice, so updates may be delayed and irregular.
I may even be entirely absent for extended stretches of time, but I'll be back and posting eventually!
Wish me luck! (Or better yet, get in touch with me personally.)
I may even be entirely absent for extended stretches of time, but I'll be back and posting eventually!
Wish me luck! (Or better yet, get in touch with me personally.)
The name, layout, opinions, analysis, and original media displayed on the Media Matters® website belongs to A-style® and are the intellectual property of Alexandra Swords. 2013-2024©
All other media discussed or displayed are the rightful property of their original copyright holders and have been obtained with creator permissions or exist within the Public Domain. |