It takes a village to Support an Artist!
If you're looking at this page, that means you're at least considering becoming a patron of mine, helping to support my creative work as a member of a wider global community. Even if you clicked here because you're curious about the cool stuff you might gain access to as a Patron (and even if you have no real intention of supporting me beyond reading my stuff), it still helps keep me incredibly optimistic to see views here!
If you ARE already a Patron, then the sentiment suits ten fold. THANK YOU!! I truly would not be able to manage without your gracious support! |
So, what DO patrons get and what exactly is this page for?
This page is a landing pad to organize all of the Patron Exclusive posts that go up on my Patreon. That platform is not exactly the best equipped for maintaining a cohesive navigation system, after all. But I also wanted a public page to show those visitors who are non-Patrons what all they'll actually be able to access by becoming a patron, which will not only allow for a more well-considered decision on their part, but will help confirm to current Patrons that they're getting their money's worth. It will also help keep me motived to post Patron Exclusives, because some days it's hard to corral the effort needed to create exclusives when I can't use those posts to advertise my skills. ^_~
The main thing that Patrons currently get is Early Access to everything I post, but particularly to fanfiction. Most of my New Chapters of Fic go up over 2 weeks early on Patreon as compared to Ao3. I'm also much more likely to answer questions in a timely manner from Patreon than anywhere else online, and I will take requests sent through Patreon (for consultations, product / media reviews, or for speaking engagements).
Beyond that, however, Patrons gain exclusive access to my works of Original Fiction, both the stories themselves, snippets of new drafts, and in-depth background notes on the writing process behind their creation / evolution. This page is mainly meant, at present, to organize / advertise those.
This page is a landing pad to organize all of the Patron Exclusive posts that go up on my Patreon. That platform is not exactly the best equipped for maintaining a cohesive navigation system, after all. But I also wanted a public page to show those visitors who are non-Patrons what all they'll actually be able to access by becoming a patron, which will not only allow for a more well-considered decision on their part, but will help confirm to current Patrons that they're getting their money's worth. It will also help keep me motived to post Patron Exclusives, because some days it's hard to corral the effort needed to create exclusives when I can't use those posts to advertise my skills. ^_~
The main thing that Patrons currently get is Early Access to everything I post, but particularly to fanfiction. Most of my New Chapters of Fic go up over 2 weeks early on Patreon as compared to Ao3. I'm also much more likely to answer questions in a timely manner from Patreon than anywhere else online, and I will take requests sent through Patreon (for consultations, product / media reviews, or for speaking engagements).
Beyond that, however, Patrons gain exclusive access to my works of Original Fiction, both the stories themselves, snippets of new drafts, and in-depth background notes on the writing process behind their creation / evolution. This page is mainly meant, at present, to organize / advertise those.
Assassin's Game| Write Life :: Posts about the Process |
- | Story Snippets :: Draft Chapters & Side Stories | - Chapter Drafts - :: AG4 :: 'Revels of the Long Night ' | A piece of narrative likely to be utilized in an early chapter of the still-to-be-written 4th book of the series. Kate & Killian get harangued into participating in a musical ritual of the Trajiset Zitel.| - Character Insights & Extras - :: Dani :: ' Free ' | A snippet from Dani's PoV from before AG1 gets started, as she attempts to briefly set aside the pressures of being Skålyssi for a moment on a horseback ride through the woods with her brother. | |
the Duchess & the Dragon| Write Life :: Posts about the Process |
- | Story Snippets :: Draft Chapters & Side Stories | - Chapter Drafts - :: Chapter 1 :: ' Casefile 1-01: Mechanical Skills ' | In which Special Agent Casey Shields finally meets his insider contact for his investigation of the Blackbirds' Cartel. | :: Chapter 2 :: ' Casefile 1-02: Enter the Dragon ' | In which Casey gets closer to gaining the Blackbirds' trust and Eli displays the power that earned him is nickname. | :: Chapter 3 :: ' Casefile 1-03: Tit for Tat ' | In which Eli gets more involved, Casey buddies up to a Blackbird insider, and a new player joins the Game. | :: Chapter 4 :: ' Casefile 1-04: Sparrow Song ' | In which Casey gets introduced to the complicated political landscape of the Blackbirds' gangland empire. | :: Chapter 5 :: ' Casefile 1-05: Higher Stakes ' | In which Casey gets his chance to prove himself to the Blackbirds in the bloody baptism of Fight Night. | |
Other Projects
Children of the Sea & Sky -
| Story Snippets | :: Meera :: ' the Draw of the Current ' - Meera is supposed to be getting ready for an important ceremony, but the Current draws her out to sea where finds a distressed animal she cannot resist helping. |