ASTYLE Baby Bands:
Every year I try to pick my favorite Rookies, girls & guys, out of a line.
Typically I try to base my decision solely on their debut, but in cases like 2012, it's harder. And then there's the rare case that has me liking a debut, without objectively thinking it's any good... Ah, well, Here's my lists and reasoning for my Baby Band Picks. (I've only been a fan since 2010, so that's as far back as my records go) |
Guy Groups
2014 -I can't make my picks until the year ends, and no more groups can make a last minute debut!
2013 -
Bangtan Boys.
This seemed like it was going to be an easy one, Bangtan Boys stood head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. Their actual debut was a bit rocky, No More Dream was not exciting. The boys proved they had talent, but I wasn't thrilled with them until their follow-up with We Are Bulletproof pt 2. That's when I really started to fall for them. They've only improved since then, so it's not hard to see why they're my pick. And yet, they almost weren't. Topp Dogg's debut came really late in the race, but it was an utterly fantastic introduction. Their debut blew me away and if not for their lack-luster follow-through, they would have won. 2012 -
This was a hard one, sort of, at least. 2012 was a great year to be on the look-out for rookies; B.A.P won Rookie of the Year for good reason. They had a fantastic year and they've proven since that they're a force to be reckoned with in Kpop. But I really didn't think their debut MV (Warrior) was really that spectacular. It was great, but not when compared to the incredible story, choreography, and melodic beauty of NU'EST's debut, Face. By debut alone nothing even came close to matching NU'EST, so they were my 2012 boyband pick. They've sort of continually let me down ever since though, which is tragic. BAP has too, but One Shot was incredible. I'm still hopeful for their futures, for both bands. 2011 -
They're debut with O.K. was absolutely brilliant. All of the members were given beautifully recognizable roles; the choreography was fantastic, unique and fun to try at home; the song was fantastic, catchy beyond words, harmonically gorgeous, melodically intricate and straight up FUN. They had a color concept, but that didn't result in a stereotypical cute MV, the song is nice and strong and still sweet enough to suit the styling. They haven't let me down once since I picked them out as my faves. 2010 -
They're an easy choice with their incredible debut 'Come Back, Again'. Spot on choreography, impressive members all perfectly displayed, and a great song that was well made, displays the boy's talent and potential, and is just catchy as hell. Really they changed the kpop game, making such tight & complicated choreography the universal standard, for rookies and returning pros alike, where before it was a treat bestowed on fans by seasoned veterans. I've enjoyed most of their comebacks, some more than others. |
Girl Groups
2014 -I can't make my picks until the year ends, and no more groups can make a last minute debut!
2013 -
The best of the rookie girls for 2013 weren't half as hard a decision to make as it was for 2013's boys. I found PitaPat to be an all around fabulous release, and more than an adequate debut. I loved it and these girls found their way to the shortlist of my favorite Femmes. Their Love Optionsrelease was just as fabulous and it made me completely sure of my decision to stick them in as my 2013 Female Baby Band front-runner. None of the other rookie girl groups could even hold a candle to these lovely ladies and the guess I'd made of being in the running for the top spot here panned out with no late entry dark horses to upset their win. 2012 -
Like I said, this was a GREAT year of rookies (not really a great year to BE rookies, but still). For a while I settled on having NU'EST's female counterparts, Hello Venus, as my girlgroup baby band. I LOVED the strong and powerful vibe of their debut, particularly as it meshed with the cutesy side of things. However, Evol's debut knocked things sideways. We Are a Bit Different is absolutely fantastic, it takes a similar stance as Venus in that femme =/= weak, but Evol takes it to a higher level, combining cute & colorful with smoothe & sexy. I love the chorus and the choreo and the styling is absolutely fabulous. Like the boys of 2012, both girl groups have been significantly less impressive in their comebacks, but not so much I weep for their careers. 2011 -
Dal Shabet.
There's a funny story behind this one. I was in the cafeteria with some friends in high school, talking about what the kpop industry needed and I mentioned that if I was in control, I would debut a 7 member girl-group with a bright-color concept, and a throw to more melodically active, bass heavy music, with super-cute choreography, treated like the stronger chroeography of male aegyo MVs. Dal Shabet debuted THAT DAY with exactly what I'd asked for. They are the reason I realized that I am capable of working inside the kpop industry, and that I actually want to. Their follow-ups and later comebacks were kind of disappointing, but they've released a few gems that make me proud. 2010 -
Honestly, I didn't really like any of the girl group debuts of 2010. SISTAR, and Miss A were almost even in my mind. Artistically speaking, I think Miss A was the better debut group, but Push Push was just so dang catchy. I fell in love with both groups in their successive comebacks, but I made Sistar my pick for favorite debut. |