Prompt: 099 ~ Dimples May 2011©
Fandom: The GazettE
Focus: Kai x Nana (Reita x Kitty)
Word Count: 1,141
Fandom: The GazettE
Focus: Kai x Nana (Reita x Kitty)
Word Count: 1,141
It was a Monday afternoon, a lazy day mid-tour for the members and affiliates of the GazettE. Everyone associated with the band was spread about, not one using the day effectively. Aoi and Meisa were enjoying a lazy morning in their hotel room, breakfast in bed with the late night sitcoms from the other side of the world playing on their laptops. Uruha and Leslie were out touring the town, bickering over who looked best in the latest feathery fashions. The others were lounging about in the venue that would soon be playing host to one of the GazettE’s massive weekend showcases.
Practice would start for the band eventually, but no one would be bothering to think of that for hours yet. Kai and Ruki, the two that would be the first to ponder calling things to order were busily chatting away with the venue mangers, eagerly sorting out the details of the upcoming concert. It was a task that no one else found remotely interesting and even the two eager parties were quick to lose their excited energy in the bureaucracy of the down to earth proceedings. The others were spread out across the stage itself. Day-lit, the stage platform was little more than a dull black span of plywood surrounded by a boring forest of empty seats. It was a warm and lazy space, soporific down to the very swirl of dust drifting through the air, and very comfortable for the rockstars and company. They were each lost in their own little dreamlands, worlds that only vaguely interacted with reality as they let their thoughts wander. Nana was laid out on her back over a series of amps, her pencil scratching lightly over the pages of her latest notebook. Drawing a blank, she stared mindlessly at the starched page for a few moments before looking over to Maki. The actress was sitting nearby, propped up against a special effects platform, as she flipped through the pages of a magazine. “Nee,” Nana called softly to get her attention, “who do you think is the cutest member of the GazettE?” From the other side of the stage, one that Nana had to work to see by lifting her sightline over her own knees, Kitty laughed. “What’s wrong? Running low on ideas?” The singer felt the malcontent rumble of her bassist boyfriend through her back and grinned all the more for it. Reita was distinctly not a fan of Nana’s little fictions. Nana lifted her head higher to make eye contact with her friend. “Well, it’s not my fault that these prompt things aren’t very specific,” the writer defended. "What exactly is the prompt this time,” Maki asked, curious. Eyes skimming over the words even though she knew it by heart at this point, Nana replied, “Describe an OC’s first interaction with Gaze’s cutest member.” “Torn between Kai and Ruki?” Nana sat up so she could stop trying to swivel her head around awkwardly to eye Kitty after her interjections. “Yep, I can’t pick.” “Why don’t you just make it autobiographical?” Maki suggested. “You could just use how you met Kai, that’s a cute story.” “That’s a terrible example of Kai being cute!” “I don’t remember it like that,” Kitty countered. “I thought his whole ‘trip over the million dollar drum set to talk to the pretty reporter girl’ thing was pretty dang cute.” Nana shook her head. “But that wasn’t technically the first time we’d met. When I first met Kai, it was all business and totally boring. If I wrote about that, my readers would probably think I’d been hacked. All we did was talk about my concert privileges.” “Semi-autobiographical, then,” Kitty said with a shrug. “The drum story would be really cute.” “I suppose, but that’s still iffy.” Nana said slowly, adding,” And I mean, Ruki meeting anyone for the first time is beyond adorable! Even this morning with the venue tech guy was enough to make a fabulous one-shot!” “True, it’s pretty impressive of him to have tripped like that when his shoes don’t even have laces!” Kitty admitted with a smile. Maki spoke up then, still smiling over Ruki’s shy clumsiness, “Ruki’s just a mess, but if you’re measuring cuteness in terms of lack of coordination, shouldn’t Reita factor in? He’s always tripping over something or other!” “Wha-? I am not!” Reita protested. “Oh, yes you are,” Kitty countered immediately. Her reward for the comment was to be unceremoniously dumped off the bassist’s lap onto the stage floor. She didn’t care one whit and merely grinned up at him as she said, “I’m only agreeing with a true statement.” “I’m not clumsy,” Reita asserted stubbornly. Looking archly in disbelief at him, Kitty challenged, “Really now? Name the last Live you didn’t trip at. Find one in the last year and I’ll pretend you aren’t in denial.” After a long moment of quick thinking, Reita announced, “Germany. I didn’t trip once in Germany.” “Except when you crashed into Ruki.” “He was in me way.” “The whole thing was choreographed!” “Guys!” Nana’s shout broke through the ReiKitty bickering that was the couple’s standard of communication. “Focus here, I need cute. Cute guy, cute girl, cute meeting. CUTE.” Maki jumped in, “I don’t think we’ve ever heard the whole story of how you and Reita met, Kitty. I’m sure that would make a cute one-shot.” Kitty laughed, leaning back between Reita’s legs to rest her head on his thigh. “Well it certainly wasn’t boring.” Running his fingers through Kitty’s currently pink and purple hair, Reita chuckled and supplemented, “I don’t think you could find a worse word in Japanese than 'cute' to describe it though.” “So, no love at first sight then?” Maki teased. “Not even close.” “Ruki, Kai, cute!” Nana interjected again. She complained, “I still need help over here!” There was a moment of quiet before Kitty said, “I’m leaning towards Ruki . . . Ruki and coffee.” Maki smiled and gave a slight nod. “Lots of coffee. His eyes get all wide and he runs around like he’s four years old. It’s adorable.” “Your opinion about him doesn’t really count,” Nana mentioned teasingly. “She’s right though,” Kitty said. “And he looks like a kitty cat when he smiles when he’s like that. It really is fantastically cute.” Nana ceded, “He is awfully sweet. And it’s really cute when he gels his hair into cat ears.” “Eh? What’s all this?” The group on stage turned to see Kai waltzing over with his hands on his hips as Ruki was hanging all over him, trying to impede his progress in any way possible just because. Kitty laughed to see it and explained, “We’re trying to pick out the cutest Gaze member.” Pointing innocently to himself, Kai said, “Isn’t it obvious? I’m far cuter than the others!” “How do you figure that?” Nana asked, arching an eyebrow. Kai smiled sweetly. “I have dimples.” |