Yeah, April was a LOT.
And so was May. Between work things still being at a pretty high demand (not nearly as high as April, but all my student employees straight up ghosted me so days that should've been cake-walks turned into nightmares). Also, as a student myself, I also had school demands as the semester wrapped up.
And then in June all of that hard-stopped so suddenly that I kind of just went reeling. There wasn't actually enough down time for a vacation, but there was a requirement to go to work and effectively very little to do there... Which resulted in a surprising-at-the-time (but really obvious in retrospect) burnout-fueled-lethargy and depressive period.
Things did not go well.
I have viable projects to work on now. And not exactly the right kind of motivation to make confidence rational, but enough to hope that I'll be able to actually make progress on some of them.
One of the biggest things that has come up is the idea that I'm wrapping up my was-a-PhD-then-COVID-now-a-Masters program next summer. And I have no idea what to do after it. My current role has me locked in at my present position for another 4 years of potentially free-ish part-time schooling at a graduate level. I can probably finish another Masters in that time, or I can re-start the PhD I originally wanted and then stick around an extra year or two (or 4) if needed...
I'm not really in a headspace to set myself any significant goals right now, but I am going to make figuring that out a priority. I've already got a few feelers out to professors and advisors about it, so I hope to have at least a better idea of the possibilities by the time I start drafting the post for the July wrap up.
We'll see if I can manage it!