It's Certainly Slick, but it's not my Favorite...
The voices are strong enough to be worth watching carefully in the future, and the track is catchy enough to make their debut rewarding to come across. The MV is very simple, but it doesn't feel cheap or cliche. The camera work, editing, and choreography all suit the track perfectly and feel like they've had an expert's touch involved. The puppetry concept is fantastic and it suits the energetic slide of the song very well. The dubstep break felt a bit unnecessary to me, but I've seen worse versions of something similar, so even though it may impact what playlists I put the track in, it's not a deal breaker for ruining a debut. Overall, it's a solid debut for a group that's worth watching. It's not my favorite, but it's really still filled with an impressive use of limited resources and great potential.