Amber has always been a brightly unique individual, particularly within the confines of the Kpop world. This release shows off her special flair while perfectly keeping the release within the expectations of the Kpop community. Not only that, it allows the concept of rap and hiphop to evolve within Kpop, which is an exciting feat in and of itself... It's so exciting that instead of putting a simple review of the MV up here, I've sent it over to the editorials section to explain it in detail! ^_~ (Find it HERE)
Cute & Quirky . . . But Not My Favorite.
It met my f(x)-pectations. I'm an English major. I cannot apologize for puns. Besides the statement is true. This video met the expectations I held for it, for f(x) as a whole in recent years. That's not necessarily to be taken as a good thing. F(x) is SM's last big risk and first great failure, in my opinion, they've never been able to push into their own unique and successful niche. This is their same old out-there styling, generic techno-pop, visually interesting, but not spectacular thing. The choreography is fun, I like the patty-cake parts especially, and it plays well with the song and its transitions. The Styling is odd, as expected. Amber's sparkly eyebrow is . . . interesting. I think I kind of like it, but I'd like it better if they were even. I'm not a huge fan of the plaid sections, especially with Krystal's hat. It looks like they're trying to push a Scottish thing and the sound feels Hindi . . . is just doesn't work. And is Victoria wearing a CollegeHumor dress? I really like the glass floor thing, that is actually really cool. Especially with the upside down and out of proper perspective elements, they really play well off the pitch-bend of the song. The rest of the sets are very generic electro-pop backdrops. Visually interesting, but nothing out of the ordinary. Song-wise, it's interesting. The sound feels almost Hindi-pop in the intro, and a bit in the chorus. Like most recent f(x) songs it never really takes off. I like it much better than Pinnochio but a little bit less than Electric Shock. Amber's rap works really well, but it feels like the climax of the song and leaves the rest to hang. Melodically, I like the bridge and the ending, but they don't contrast with the verses well enough to make them pop. I Give it a 3/10: I've Seen Worse.
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December 2022
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