Not what I was Expecting...
This MV represents an interesting string of contradictions for me, starting with the fact that the band is called 17 and the membership is actually IN the teens, but only makes it pretty obvious that there WERE 17 and whatever happened to the other four... I dunno. I just don't think it sets the right tone for a debut. I enjoy the release, and genuinely like it, but there's very little I actually like about it and so much I would change were I in charge. It looks really cheap, but it does have a refreshing simplicity. Most of the imagery is random and unconnected, but it's not jarring enough to be a problem. I enjoyed the little angel-face-oval depictions of the members whose voice was being heard, but it was distracting and I spent much more time watching it than the main video. The styling is gorgeous and clean, but not at all what I was expecting, so it kind of blind-sided me and the first few times I watched the MV, it was with a vague distaste of well, that's different. The song is catchy as hell, but it feels really imbalanced... despite the fact that technically speaking, the lines are fairly well-divided between the members, I only remember like four of them... and only some of the members got their names on screen (and they're really strange stage-names to boot...). As a debut there's no distinctive punch to it, and the fact the the members are all vaguely mushed together into a generalized glob of gorgeousness means that, even though most of the members have delightfully bold and unique flavors of charisma, over all the group is just kinda blah. But still, the song is catchy as hell and fabulously well-produced (which makes the fact that Woozi was so thoroughly involved even more fantastic), and all of the members are intriguing characters. They're definitely a group to watch, but I wish this release had come out in a way that really made that fact undeniable. As it stands, they're a very strong group, with a very weak, but enjoyable debut. |