Unreasonably Amazing.
The anime might be sub-par, but the the track is beyond epic in every way. The instrumental lines are incredible, combining individually complex melodies with crazy-awesome decorations. The structure of each individual line is very independent, leading to a fantastic overlay effect as the lines interact with each other creating a continuous pulse of energy through harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic means. The energy is kept at a constant setting of intense even as the tension of the exact moment is varied by the degree of fill and overdubs. And the vocals are incredible. Nano's voice and lyrics are always amazing, but in this track the arrangement of the vocal line is spectacular even by the high standards I've set for Nano. The beginning starts off a bit slow for my tastes, but that is part of what makes the release of chorus so fantastic and the rush behind the vocal line serves to both up the energy by having rapid-fire lyrics, and to soothe some of the tension by having the punchy and precise syllables slide smoothly over the melody in a consonant swirl of warm sound that descends by the end of the two-fold phrases (which gets a nice slow kick-off with a two-note pickup in a word that has a third syllable and a particle that act as another pair and doubles the pace, leading into the rush section with a fantastically smooth transition).
I could literally go on about the song all day, I've been listening to it non-stop for about two-weeks (since I missed the release, I wasn't planning on reviewing it, but it's just too good to pass up). The PV is nearly as spectacular as the track it's paired with. Nano is a gorgeous creature and the white fuzzy hoodie in this video is one of my favorites to date. There are a couple of timings that bother me, like the exact moment of impact from the paint brush's slow-mo fall, but the slow-mo drum hit transition to full-speed visuals and high-speed chorus at like 3:15-ish is the most amazing moment in the video and it totally makes up for any other shortcomings on timings. Beyond that, the painting is absolutely wonderful. It suits the tone of the video perfect and the action of the painters fits the transitions of the melodies to a T. And the final project is GORGEOUS. I never guess what they were painting and it took me a second to figure it out once they gave the big reveal. My understanding clicked into place at the exact moment the painting begins to take light from the fire at the edges, a perfectly timed moment that I doubt was accidental. Also, the way that the burning of the painting ties in the fire from elsewhere in the video is a flawless execution and the connection makes the whole clip feel polished and beautiful.