Cute, but colorless...
That aside, this is a fairly solid release. The song is slow but solid, it's well rounded and nice on the ears. It doesn't evolve very far, but it moves well enough. It's a nice jazzy tune that's got enough energy to be interesting but not so much that it demands attention; refreshing in some ways, certainly. The styling, other than the whitewashing is okay. They look very cute indeed, though I'm a bit put off by the fairly voyeuristic slides of sexiness that border on inappropriate observation... like staring at a sleeping girl's ass, or watching the stretch of impressive flexibility at 2:00 from quite that close up... it's jarring and certainly off-putting for me. I'm not against female sexuality, or of women being sexualized by observers, I'd just like it to be represented as something they're aware of... And the direct comment of how they know they get called out on over sexualization was interesting, and it made the rest of the sexiness make sense. And I love how it's literally the 200lbs Gorilla in the room, very clever. Still, it's just not my favorite. I do enjoy the choreography at the end and I love the projector of trying on clothes idea, that one's always fun. Overall, it's fairly good, but there is a lot I would change and I just don't like it terribly much.