How exactly DO you 'hurricane'?
The main beat rides well, it feels like it could easily measure up, but the track never really takes off. The MVs cuts follow the intro well, increasing the hopeful anticipation, but it also reveals all the styling for this round of promotions . . . styling that I am none too fond of. The Gold Outfits are cool, and the Suits are fabulous, but sweaters . . . yeah, not a fan. Once the verse kicks in (and the suits are shown in full glory), it really feels like Hurricane could be fantastic: the Verse is really quite fabulous, there's great meter-play, interesting melodic movement, fantastic harmonic stretch, and vocal transitions timed perfectly to generate interest. And then the chorus comes up . . . and it's boring. The little break down has zero vocal interest, and the melodic flutter that follows is really just there without demanding attention or releasing tension or anything at all . . . and then the "the roof is on fire bit" ... not a fan. First of all, it's terribly over used. And secondly, I thought they were saying the 'Louvre' (they're in Vegas after all, there's a mock up there). I actually preferred 'the Louvre', because it was funny. As an over used idiom . . . it's pretty blah. The dance break was entirely unnecessary. It breaks the flow of the song and disrupts it for no good reason, the whole MV has been showing off that they can dance, we get the idea. I will say that the "turn it up" accellerando bit was pretty cool, but it's not enough to warrant the dance break.
As a whole, the MV is meh. It's just flash and some dance moves, no real elegance in its design. Some of the cuts are skillfully done, but the flashing between day and night was just tragic. It could have been used thematically, to induce a greater sense of time-gap and drama. The MV that first comes to my mind that utilizes that same concept is Hyuna's BubblePop. I think Infinite's done it once or twice as well. But really, it could have been awesome. And instead it's just . . . blah.
In short, I'm not a fan of this release, not at all.