I was Hopeful, but . . .
The track is actually quite spectacular, with a great energy and a spatial balance of voices that very few Japanese releases ever get close to. It moves along delightfully, and it builds with a graceful intensity through to the bridge, where it all drops elegantly away and starts again from scratch. It's really well done. It's just not the catchiest thing ever, and I don't really know why. It does almost everything right, but it's not quite breath-taking and it doesn't quite grab hold of a listener and refuse to let them go. Still, I love it and it's very well made.
The PV on the other hand . . . well, it was certainly different. All the CG effects were rather distracting in my opinion. Sure, CG is getting easier to come by, and good CG at that, but this still felt forced and rather awkward, mostly because of just how prevalent it was... If they'd cut down on it a little, added some choreography for a fleshed out story . . . it would have been an PV to make waves, but no. Their luck ran out with landing a great track. And honestly, I'd rather have a good track than a killer PV.