Actually it was like two weeks ago and I'm still behind, oh well.
I like what they did with his look, there's definitely some GD influences in the styling and that is in no way a problem.
The MV feels like tons of fun and I love the set and the colors an all in all it's a fun video. It's not the best debut video ever, but this isn't exactly a normal debut either. Since he'd been on SSK2, we all know he can sing, so I thought they might go for something very artsy and dramatic to prove that not only can he sing, he can create. This was just kinda there, fun and fabulous for what it was, but nothing earth shatter
Also when considering his SSK2 success, I was surprised that they went the way they did with his vocals. The verses are too rough (intentionally) to really feel his vocal power, and the chorus too much double-track fill to really measure him. The post chorus and the Bridge do let him open up and shine, but it's still a bit odd.
It's not the best thing a YG artist has ever put out, but it's solid release.