It's Certainly Interesting...
In regards to their recent release, Automatic is actually worthy of attention. It's a nice an jazzy low-key track with a smooth sweep of sounds that envelop the listener. It moves well and but it doesn't evolve over the course of the track, and none of the movement is profound or resonant in any way. It doesn't show off the girls' vocal capabilities, but I will admit to enjoying the whispery quality of the vocal lines in reference to the instrumental. Power vocals probably wouldn't sit nicely here anyway.
I like the music video, over all. Outside of the whole they're-all-blonde thing, the styling is gorgeous. The Choreography is fun and quite well-suited to the track. The vibe of the music video as a whole is awesome and quite unique, like a musical theater sort of aesthetic which is fantastic. I also like the visual ties to their next MV, Ice Cream Cake, via the car and such. It is a wonderful connection, but it's only a dressing rather than a significant basis for assessment. All in all, I do like it. I don't love it, but I do like it.