Not What I Was Expecting... or what I wanted...
It's just concert footage (recordings of songs with much higher bpm ratings than Well Done because they are way outta sync) and an overabundance of a layering of film-effects and irrelevant analog-film images. I could make that kind of a video on my home computer in a few hours, and at the very least, I'd be able to make the timings sync up. If I had half the awesome equipment available to these guys, hell, even if I just had half the source footage... I could do so much better. Admittedly, I want to become an MV professional, so I'm not just an average joe at making MVs or anything, but still, professionals should do better. This is disappointing and it's really just not up to par.
The song, without the video is still pretty good, and I love Zico, so I'm still giving it more credit than I really feel like it deserves, but I can't in good conscious say much that's positive about this video.